2009年3月23日 星期一


Culture is the whole of a society's knowledge, beliefs, technology, and practices. Until about 12000 years ago, we were mostly hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups and moved as needed to find enough food for survival. Since then, three major cultural changes have occurred: the agricultural revolution(which began 10000-12000 years ago), the industrial medical revolution(beginning about 275 years ago), and the information-globalization revolution (beginning about 50 years ago).
文化是社會的整體:知識、信仰、技術和實踐。 直到大約一萬兩千年前,我們是居住於地上組成小聚落且可移動性的主要消費者,因為需要生存而尋找足夠的食物。人類出現以來,發生的三主要文化革命:開始10000-12000年前的農業革命,工業醫療革命(起點大?275年前)和資訊全球化革命(起點大約50年前)。
in the 1960s,botanist Frank H.Bormann,forest ecologist Sene LIkens,and their colleagues began carrying out a classic controlled experiment. The goal was to compare loss of water and nutrients from an uncut forest ecosystem (the control site)with one that was stripped of its trees.(the experimental site).
在20世紀60年代,植物學家Frank H. Bormann,塞內森林生態學家Sene Likens,和他們的同事開始實施一個典型的對照實驗。該計劃的目標是比較損失水分和營養物質從一個未經切割的森林生態系統(控制點)與一個被剝奪了它的樹木。(實驗網站) 。

